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Availability: April 2006 

Format: Perfect Bound, pp. 68 

Original Publication: 1801 


Contains: The Ruins of the Abbey of Fitz-Martin.  *  The Bleeding Nun of St. Catherine's.  *   The Castle on the Beach; or, a Sea-Side story.  *The Mysterious Monk; or, The Cave of Blood.  *   Courtney Castle; or, The Robbers' Cavern.  *   The Castle of Hospitality; or, The Spectre




This unique collection brings together six terrific and often horrifying Gothic tales into one small chapbook. 'The Ruins of the Abbey of Fitz-Martin' tells the tale of Rosaline, whose father carries her off to a ruined abbey only to encounter the remains of a dark family secret; 'The Bleeding Nun of St. Catherine's' is an account of that secret involving seduction, the church and murder; 'The Castle on the Beach' richly illustrates divine justice; 'The Mysterious Monk' narrates the heroic deeds of Edwin in avenging the death of a Knight and thwarting a treasonous Baron; 'Courtney Castle' tells a tale of banditti, murder and virtue; and 'The Castle of Hospitality' underscores the necessity of heeding the call of the supernatural in an age of skepticism. Together they highlight the appeal that short tales of terror had on an audience use to triple decker novels.

Published in 1801 by Ann Lemoine, Romances and Gothic Tales truly assembles a rare collection of popular fiction from the early nineteenth century.


“Dare to do so!” replied a voice, that sounded hallow along the dreaded Vault; and Rosaline, whose terror now had suspended the faculty of feeling, though not of life, actually moved towards the coffin, as if performing some dreadful rite, that she found she had not a power to resist. Impelled with a notion of that superior agency which she dared not disobey, and not exactly sensible of what she did, she fearfully cast aside the lid, which, as she touched, fell crumbling to the ground; and turning aside her head, her hand fell within the coffin; and in her fright she grasped something moist and clammy, which she brought away. Shrieking wildly, she rushed from the scene of terror, and precipitating herself through the tower-gate, fell fainting into the arms of Jannette; who, pale and terrified, called aloud for help, as she supported her insensible lady. Norman, who had long been impatient at the stay of his mistress, and alarmed for her safety, was hastening down the ruins, when the cries of Jannette assailed his ears, and had arrived at the scene of terror as Rosaline began to open her eyes.

“Holy Virgin protect the lady,” he exclaimed. “Hast thou seen any thing? or do these pale looks proceed from some fall which may have bruised thy tender form among the ruins?”

“Oh no, good Norman, not so,” feebly and wildly ejaculated Rosaline. “The tower! the dreadful tower!” “The tower! sayst thou, my lady? Mercy on me! Have you been so hardy as to venture into that dismal place!”

Rosaline, as she gradually recovered, felt a perfect recollection of the late horrid scene, and recalling the awful voice she had heard, which she doubted not proceeded from some supernatural agency, she no sooner beheld Norman, than she darted towards her chamber, regardless of the terrors of the old steward or Jannette.

As soon as she entered her room, she drew from the folds of her robe the relics she had unknowingly grasped from the coffin. On examination, it seemed to be some folded papers; but in so decayed a condition, that they threatened to drop in pieces with the touch.

She carefully unfolded the parcel, and found it to contain the story of the unfortunate Anna; but many of the lines were totally extinct, and only here and there a few that could be distinguished. At length, in another packet, she discovered a more perfect copy of the preceding ones, which, from the style of its writing, evidently proved them to be the labor of some of the monks, who had, from the papers discovered in the cell of her confinement, been enabled to trace the truth of her melancholy story and sufferings, in which the Baron was but too principally concerned.

Rosaline, retrimming her lamp, and seating herself nearer the table, took up the monk's copy, and began, not without difficulty, to read the melancholy story of THE BLEEDING NUN OF ST. CATHERINE’S. (from The Ruins of the Abbey of Fitz-Martin.)

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